Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Birds

I love birds even though I am not a birder. For the most part I can't identify birds that well, but I love to hear their early morning calls and their late evening songs. However I have identified the culprit to the recent attacks on my strawberries. The Cardinal! He has systematically killed several strawberries just before they fully ripen. On many of the attacks he did not fully eat the strawberry, but only pecked at it a few times. Well Naomi and I have begun to fight back.

Last week we put a net over our precious crop, in hopes of thawarting this evil doer. Since that time we have been able to harvest 9 plump and juicy strawberries. I ate one of them yesterday and it was my first strawberry in one year. Each saporific bite was filled with rich moutwatering flavor. It was true ambrosia.

Hopefully this enemy will soon give up on the strawberries and return to eating other items.

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